The G8 model golf cart 86’d the roof and gave way to some pretty sleek styling for the early 90’s model golf carts. The serial number once again is under the seat again towards the front.
Iconic with these carts because they soon after axed the idea for a sleeker look in models to come. The G9 model golf cart continued with the sleek styling but added a little weird like seat back post. Apparently, some of the Yamaha team members in assembly didn’t get the memo. Though some have been found in the glove box area. Just look under the drivers seat toward the control pedals. Finding the serial number on these carts was easy enough. The G14 is the next model in line to replace the electric G9 as the G11 models where only updated for the gas carts. Special Note – The first three (3) Characters in that number is really all you need to determine model and year of manufacture. Yamaha – Fleet Classic AKA = G8A or G8E.Yamaha Gas Golf Carts and Utility Vehicles.Yamaha Year, Model & Serial Number Table.